Wednesday, November 4, 2009

~ love (photobook)

Why am  I saying about love? Becouse all the way of making that project full of love: family - means love and support, cooperate - means love of people to the one thing they make, friendship - means love between people in life-way, photography and design - means love to make. Do you see? The project is full of love. And I am happy to introduse this to you.

That was huge work. 4 non-stop days without time for sleep. That was high-speed design project becouse of girls came to me in the last minute. I was happy to help with retouching photos and design and making the book. Photos are really great! Congratulations, Photographer!

Thanks for freedom of thinking and imagination by making that! I really enjoyed that work!


Made: retouching of photos, design of the book
Area: photography, events
From: Russia, Moscow
Year: 2009